Saturday, January 3, 2009

No Dieting No New Years Resolutions For Me!

Okay, Okay, Okay! I got off track. Got over zealous, and got to content. Yes, I looked and felt much better with the 39 lb weight lost. But, I still had 15 to go to goal. I got too comfortable with the weight I had gotten off. Then I began to eat more, and 5 months later I was maintaining with in 3-4 lbs the same weight. So I said, Wow. My metabolism must have changed. So I slough off and quit my daily weigh in's. Big mistake! Then came Thanksgiving, I ate too much. Then came Christmas and I baked and cooked up a storm, and went into total denial, I was just on a sugar freak high with marshmallows and chocolate dripping from my chin. I was a sight, eyes bugged out and though it all was good at that very morsel minute. It took more and more morsels to make me happy. I was comfort food eating really bad. So Jan. 1st comes and I get on the scales and you could hear me scream from Bossier City to Magnolia Delaware where my daughter lives! I kid you not, she called me and said Lucy what's wrong. Scared me I really thought she heard me scream. Actually she just felt in her heart I was down. Mothers and daughters have that kind of bond you know. I tell her and woe is me say I hate that I have to lose 10 lbs that I had already lost before, and before, and before. She said, be thankful you caught it when you did! Get back on track, get focused! You can do it, I know you can I've seen you do it before.

You know what, I know I can also! Because I have done it before, and it had become a habit and a lifestyle change until I got in a bad state of mind. Weight loss is not just about portion control, What the scales say each week. It is a total mind, body, spiritual experience for me. When I am eating for health, and not consumed by food. I feel good. I have energy and all systems are go! But, the last 5 months I got away from Weight Watchers, in a low state after my mother passed away. I gave into depression, and I have always used food to comfort me when feeling blue.

So what's my plan this time? I am going to do what I know works! Weight Watchers, it's easy and it delivers a consistent weight loss of 2-3 pounds a week for me. Sometimes less, But what I love about it is I can eat what I love and not feel deprived. Another thing I tell myself is when I eat a high calorie food just cut a small small portion of cake. Eat it real slow then tell myself the next bite will taste just like the last one. No need to gorge, it's okay to stop now.

I am nearing the big 50. I don't want to have a lot of health problems that I know I can prevent now by caring for my body. In the biblical days, they ate a lot of fruits, and fish, and whole grains. In the early 1800-1900's people didn't eat all the processed garbage that the super market is full of. No, they raised gardens and ate fresh, fruits and vegetables in abundance. Look at your Grandmothers photo albums most everyone in them are slim and trim.

Go to the mall and sit on the bench after a good mall walk. Do some people watching, You will see that obesity is at and all time HIGH! Try counting how many over weight peoples you see. I bet you lose count!!!
Now I've told you my plan that works? What is yours. Mine is not a resolution, it is getting back on track and doing what really works. Sticking with my lifestyle change, No diets for me! Diets do not work. Take it from and ex- yo yo dieter! I believe in you, now lets believe in ourselves!!


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