Monday, April 11, 2011

Walk for Life

Walk for Life
May 14th, 2011 is the Ark-La-Tex Crisis Pregnancy Center Walk for Life. Please click on the above link Walk for Life - So you can sponsor me. Make a difference in our communities lives. Help save lives today. I am counting on your support. Sincerely, Lucy Franklin

Monday, December 13, 2010

WW's New Point Plus Program

I am a lifetime member, but I am right now not at my desired goal weight. So I went back to WW's the end of Sept.2010. I have lost 12 lbs so far. Not to shabby, since we've had Halloween to deal with, Thanksgiving, and Now Christmas. Holiday's can really set me back sometimes. But with all bad habits each day is a learning experience. So what's the new point's plus plan all about? Now points are derived by 4 things, Fats, Carbs, Proteins, and Fiber. So if you eat Power Foods, Lot's of fresh fruits and vegetables. You can have more, and they are 0 points. It does not apply to starchy veggies nor fruits packaged in heavy syrup or even lite at that. Use common sense here, of course you wouldn't go and eat 10 bananas! Actually the program I have found AWESOME. It's all about balance, and eatting healthy!

Above, pictured is a grilled chicken salad I made the other day. for 6 points. The point value was up some because I did put avocado in it. I used a homemade low-cal basalmic dressing. It was delicious!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

In the Hands Of God- Newsboys

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Missing My Mama - Always & At Mothers Day

Missing My Mama

The days now have turned to months since last I heard your sweet voice,

In death it is final just leaving my mind to memories of choice,

I still long deeply just for one more moment frozen in time with you,

Some day's I feel so lost I don't know what to do!

Then I revisit those memories frozen in time,

Visions of us Mama set deep inside my mind!

One by one I begin to play the video tape and I see,

Just you and me,

We are Laughing together, cooking, smiling, sharing,

Thank you Mother for the fifty years of CARING!

As the tears drop now down my face,

Running a race!

I now feel God's Mercy more than ever and understand his saving GRACE!

For he had to heal my Mother and take her home to his PLACE!

Up so High in Heaven above,

Showered Daily with his promised love,

I know, I know I hurt so!

I know, I know you didn't want to go!

You wanted to end all the pain you felt,

You wanted to be delivered from the earthly body you know you had now been dealt,

It's okay now Mother don't you fret,

For now you are beside the Heavenly Fathers thrown I in vision you now do sit,

A strong vibrant Angel working working away,

Just like you did on earth each day,

Fluttering and flitting around I can just see Mama now,

As she prays on bended knee and bows,

I long and pray for the glorious day,

When I am home with my Mama in Heaven above,

Surrounded once again in her arms and unbounding LOVE!!!!!!!!!!

5/16/2009 Lucy Franklin

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Mothers Celebration of Life Ceremony

Eulogy: Lucy Franklin

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Struggling!!! WW

Alot has been on my mind since starting back to Weight Watchers in January. The plan works. But, I am not working right now! If you plan your meals and you get yourself motivated and have your mind focused on your goal. I get focused and think I am on the right track. I can tell you this much going through menopause is not helping the situation at all. I had last 4 lbs the first month. Then I gained 7 lbs in less than 5 days!!! I was in shock and it really set me back. I made and appointment to my gyno and she said well did you eat any chinese food??? I said well, yes! I always eat chinese on thursdays. But, never has this happened. I still think it is the hormone treatment I am on, that has caused alot of water weight gain!!! Ladies?? If your reading this tell me your story, or comment below on your experience! I need your input and support right now! I am struggling with sticking with what I know is the best healthy weight loss program there is! Because it is REAL, No food is limited! Just eat for health and eat healthy!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Healthy Living: Tips To Weight Loss List