Thursday, October 16, 2008

Love Your Life - Victoria Osteen

Victoria Osteen provides heaven-sent advice to hard-working women for establishing an ideal, balanced life filled with blessed satisfactions while honoring God. Victoria's great devotion to her family will inspire you to be a more loving wife and mother. Positive thinking for women has never sounded so good or been more encouraging. Joel Osteen's fans will enjoy learning more about how Joel and Victoria set priorities, agree to disagree at home, and build a happier family. Men can learn from Victoria's perspectives on marriage, relationships, and parenting, as well.

The book is built around 11 themes, each of which is the subject of a chapter as follows:

Chapter 1: Understanding Your Influence
Chapter 2: Living with Confidence
Chapter 3: Embracing What's Important
Chapter 4: Keeping the Right Perspective
Chapter 5: Making the Most of What You Have
Chapter 6: Recovering Lost Opportunities
Chapter 7: Overcoming Offenses
Chapter 8: Enjoying Rich Relationships
Chapter 9: Discovering What Others Need
Chapter 10: Being a People Builder
Chapter 11: Receiving Love

Victoria Osteen's writing style is self-effacing, revealing, and generous. You'll feel like you are talking to her over a cup of coffee at her kitchen table. She provides a good balance between Biblical perspectives, practical common sense, and thoughtful consideration.



Blogger janis said...

It's on my Christmas wish list. Thank you for the review!

November 22, 2008 at 6:44 PM  

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