Monday, December 13, 2010

WW's New Point Plus Program

I am a lifetime member, but I am right now not at my desired goal weight. So I went back to WW's the end of Sept.2010. I have lost 12 lbs so far. Not to shabby, since we've had Halloween to deal with, Thanksgiving, and Now Christmas. Holiday's can really set me back sometimes. But with all bad habits each day is a learning experience. So what's the new point's plus plan all about? Now points are derived by 4 things, Fats, Carbs, Proteins, and Fiber. So if you eat Power Foods, Lot's of fresh fruits and vegetables. You can have more, and they are 0 points. It does not apply to starchy veggies nor fruits packaged in heavy syrup or even lite at that. Use common sense here, of course you wouldn't go and eat 10 bananas! Actually the program I have found AWESOME. It's all about balance, and eatting healthy!

Above, pictured is a grilled chicken salad I made the other day. for 6 points. The point value was up some because I did put avocado in it. I used a homemade low-cal basalmic dressing. It was delicious!