Friday, February 22, 2008

The Journey Began Sept. 2007

I began my morning as usual. Sitting at my computer reviewing my emails, watching the cardinals outside my window chirping and enjoying their healthy sunflower seed breakfast. I noticed a email from a good friend I hadn't heard from in awhile. She was telling me she was going to start Weight Watchers, and asked if I wanted to go with she and her mother. I immediately shot her and email back, saying YES! Count me in! I was so excited. It felt like this is a God thing to me. Because I really was getting very discouraged about my weight! I had convinced myself it was a thyroid problem! Yeppers that's it, The old hypo-thyroid disease! Then I would tell myself, well LUCY every since you started the Depakote in the year of 2000 you have steadily put on weight. I really was convinced that I could not lose weight if I tried!

Even though I was a Lifetime Member with WW's. But it had been along time since I had been to Weight Watchers, To be exact it was way back in 1984 when I reached goal. This time I had 53 lbs to lose. Much more than back in the day at the young age of 24. But this was the year I had decided to overcome my emotional eating problem. Did I say emotional eating! Yikes! That's the culprit! Not the med's. Sure the medication did increase my appetite, But after the Journey Began with WW's again in Sept. 18th to be exact. The first week I lost 4.8 pounds. That was a big ego booster for me! I patted myself on the back that day, and couldn't get the grin off my face all day! Each week since the journey began has been a wonderful learning experience. I use the E-tools online, and I am on the point system of WW's. Hopefully someday I will change to the core plan. I find for me that by planning my meals ahead of time, Daily I start the day -MOST days that is. Knowing exactly what I am going to have for breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. This helps me stay on course, I also Don't keep it in my mind how much further I have to go to get to goal. I reward myself with little things as I achieve my increments of 5lb weight loss's. I have lost 35 lbs since beginning this Journey!

Starting Picture

Now Picture 35 lbs Lost

I still have 15 pounds to goal. But, I might just go down 10 more pounds. What I like about the plan is the process of losing the weight is a slow process. So if you are looking for a quick fix and a crash diet. Weight Watchers is not for you! Google Weight Watchers online, go ahead and google it at it is the number one Weight Loss program. Because it isn't a diet, it is a program that teaches you to eat healthy. No starving, no food restrictions. I eat cake and ice cream and still lose! That's why it works! A healthy weight loss process means keeping the weight off my friend! I learn healthy eating habits everyday. I have grown up now, and I am not the young 24 year old girl that wanted to have this perfect sexy body. I am now a 48 year old Granny that wants to be healthy and doesn't want to develop the health risk that are in my family. Like type II diabetes, and congestive heart failure, or have to have a heart bypass like my Father.

Now, 5 months later and I am hooked! Loving the energy I feel from the weight loss and eating healthier. Loving the compliments from friends and family! I have went down 3 dress sizes! I am Loving the Meetings! Yes, we have the most upbeat Fantastic Leader at the meeting I go to, she is dedicated and determined for us to succeed in our journey! We all share together ways to improve our results! I think the meetings are the key to success!

I am not to goal yet, But come back soon and see how I am doing on my Journey! I will be putting up some tips and recipe's that I have enjoyed soon!
Animations - butterfly-06


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